More than 15 days had lapsed, since I dropped some thing here .Even my friend Srini asked me "what happened, do you lost interest in blogging?", No indeed not! But some times life taxes us in extra special ways in order make us suffer that hopeless empty feeling. When life looks down at me as a vilest and meanest creature on earth vulnerable to all flavors of worries, I felt bit difficult to focus here.
I felt like writing some thing which will help me and at the same time my readers, to get lil pushier when their feet are nailed to the floor by their tribulations. Hence this post...
You all would have asked these following questions , when you were in some props that makes us crawl on hands and knees, snout running down your nose, puts your life on hold, makes you feel like grabbing your tie or dupatta, loop it around your neck and kick the stool? Am I right you would have asked the below questions na?
What the hell is happening?
How can it happen to me?
Why only I always tattered again and again?
What wrong I did?
Why are you punishing me so much God?
And all other X, Y and Z's
I think all of us would have bulleted by the above questions at some time or other in our life [or who knows you may be asking yourself right now at this moment]. Before moving further down, look at the pics below.
I felt like writing some thing which will help me and at the same time my readers, to get lil pushier when their feet are nailed to the floor by their tribulations. Hence this post...
You all would have asked these following questions , when you were in some props that makes us crawl on hands and knees, snout running down your nose, puts your life on hold, makes you feel like grabbing your tie or dupatta, loop it around your neck and kick the stool? Am I right you would have asked the below questions na?
What the hell is happening?
How can it happen to me?
Why only I always tattered again and again?
What wrong I did?
Why are you punishing me so much God?
And all other X, Y and Z's
I think all of us would have bulleted by the above questions at some time or other in our life [or who knows you may be asking yourself right now at this moment]. Before moving further down, look at the pics below.
A kid in India having his share from the scrap left by some one else.
A father, carrying his two sons who lost their lives in Iran earth quake.
Afghan women who got burned due to missile attack.
Children affected by mal nutrition due to famine.
A women patient in china AIDS village at the door step of death.
These are just a few photos I used here. Even these people have , after all that only one life like ours, but see how the life is squeezed outta them. So next time when you get the same above queries grabbing you by throat, try walking a mile in their [the people in the photographs above] shoes. It will help you stop worrying and make you realize that there are hundreds and hundreds of people afflicted with more brutal life than us.
Yes what you are thinking is correct, looking at these appalling snaps are not going to change your situation or solve ur problem, but at least it will surely add a degree of adjustment to your attitude. I had read attitude is contagious, hope yours is worth catching up. Remember, worrying is nothing but negative ways of using your imagination. All of us have problems but only our attitude, fear and situations makes it worse than the actual problem. For example think about the problem you faced 5 years back, some of you may feel like laughing when you think about the same problem now.
Life is nothing but the transition state between success and failure. Whether spicing up this transition state called life, by dreaming about the next success or making it stinky, broaching over your past failures is in your hands. So be happy and smile anyhow, irrespective of your problems. B’coz life is always coupled with problems. Very important, Get ready to face the next problem. who knows? It may be on its way towards you right now...
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers!! Let me peace out!!