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Location: Chennai, TamilNadu, India

I am a dreamer.I dissolve & lose myself in to my lucid dreams.I wanna get more obsessed with them and I am working upon it.

Friday, January 19, 2007


A vampire bat came flapping in from the night covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the cave's roof to get some sleep. Soon all the other bats smelled the blood and began hassling him aboutwhere he got it. He told them to shut up and let him get some sleep, but they persisted until he finally gave in. "OK, follow me."He flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him. Down through a valley they went, across a river and into a forest of trees.
Finally he slowed down and all the other bats excitedlymilled around him.
"Do you see that tree over there?""YES, YES, YES!!" the bats all screamed in a frenzy.
"Well...I didn't!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good sense of humor.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Cube said...

wow. thats humour

10:58 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The brunette matron continued to stare at the shade in the exact spot upon which her gaze had been magnesium before directed, and she never quivered an eyelash.. You have taken potassium judgment, I believe.. Sleep guarantees the security of the fortress which is under prozac guard.. The narrow slanting passage is of course the vagina; the assistance attributed to the wife of the dreamer requires diazepam the interpretation that in reality it is only consideration for the wife which is responsible for the detention from such an attempt.. He consequently immediately hired a horse and gig, crossed the Brooklyn ferry, and drove along the margin of the river to the Wallabout, the imitrex location in question.. This feeling of dread here replaces dream displacement; I regarded the dream work as having zithromax prevented this in the dream of the second class.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? actonel she went on, breathlessly.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that ritalin sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought of.. The situation resulting in this phantasy is, however, nothing but diazepam a new edition of one that actually took place.. Polly is more rash than I am, paxil as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir.. I thought you would be ativan pleased to witness its first production in Washington.. Could a young schoolmaster think of feruling a girl with her hair in ringlets and a gold ring on her finger? Impossible--and the immunity extended to all the little sisters and cousins; tramadol and there were enough large girls to protect all the feminine part of the school.. Yet we never raise any objection to characterizing them zantac as dreams, nor do we confound them with the products of our waking life.. She is xanax an evidence, said Edward, how superior our women of fashion are to those of Europe.. Up to this point the dream would be one of pure, sexual symbolism, and obscure for the unpracticed dream interpreter. tramadol..

6:17 AM  
Blogger alex said...

The brunette matron continued to stare at the shade in the exact spot upon which her gaze had been fosamax before directed, and she never quivered an eyelash.. You have taken azithromycin judgment, I believe.. Sleep guarantees the security of the fortress which is under aspirin guard.. The narrow slanting passage is of course the vagina; the assistance attributed to the wife of the dreamer requires promethazine the interpretation that in reality it is only consideration for the wife which is responsible for the detention from such an attempt.. He consequently immediately hired a horse and gig, crossed the Brooklyn ferry, and drove along the margin of the river to the Wallabout, the synthroid location in question.. This feeling of dread here replaces dream displacement; I regarded the dream work as having adderall prevented this in the dream of the second class.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? claritin she went on, breathlessly.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that thyroid sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought of.. The situation resulting in this phantasy is, however, nothing but zyrtec a new edition of one that actually took place.. Polly is more rash than I am, carisoprodol as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir.. I thought you would be heparin pleased to witness its first production in Washington.. Could a young schoolmaster think of feruling a girl with her hair in ringlets and a gold ring on her finger? Impossible--and the immunity extended to all the little sisters and cousins; furosemide and there were enough large girls to protect all the feminine part of the school.. Yet we never raise any objection to characterizing them effexor as dreams, nor do we confound them with the products of our waking life.. She is flexeril an evidence, said Edward, how superior our women of fashion are to those of Europe.. Up to this point the dream would be one of pure, sexual symbolism, and obscure for the unpracticed dream interpreter. doxepin..

2:38 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The brunette matron continued to stare at the shade in the exact spot upon which her gaze had been xanax before directed, and she never quivered an eyelash.. You have taken morphine judgment, I believe.. Sleep guarantees the security of the fortress which is under phentermine guard.. The narrow slanting passage is of course the vagina; the assistance attributed to the wife of the dreamer requires oxycontin the interpretation that in reality it is only consideration for the wife which is responsible for the detention from such an attempt.. He consequently immediately hired a horse and gig, crossed the Brooklyn ferry, and drove along the margin of the river to the Wallabout, the aspirin location in question.. This feeling of dread here replaces dream displacement; I regarded the dream work as having soma prevented this in the dream of the second class.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? coumadin she went on, breathlessly.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that altace sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought of.. The situation resulting in this phantasy is, however, nothing but amoxicillin a new edition of one that actually took place.. Polly is more rash than I am, alprazolam as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir.. I thought you would be levaquin pleased to witness its first production in Washington.. Could a young schoolmaster think of feruling a girl with her hair in ringlets and a gold ring on her finger? Impossible--and the immunity extended to all the little sisters and cousins; viagra and there were enough large girls to protect all the feminine part of the school.. Yet we never raise any objection to characterizing them fioricet as dreams, nor do we confound them with the products of our waking life.. She is celexa an evidence, said Edward, how superior our women of fashion are to those of Europe.. Up to this point the dream would be one of pure, sexual symbolism, and obscure for the unpracticed dream interpreter. potassium..

9:38 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The brunette matron continued to stare at the shade in the exact spot upon which her gaze had been ativan before directed, and she never quivered an eyelash.. You have taken norco judgment, I believe.. Sleep guarantees the security of the fortress which is under morphine guard.. The narrow slanting passage is of course the vagina; the assistance attributed to the wife of the dreamer requires xanax the interpretation that in reality it is only consideration for the wife which is responsible for the detention from such an attempt.. He consequently immediately hired a horse and gig, crossed the Brooklyn ferry, and drove along the margin of the river to the Wallabout, the viagra location in question.. This feeling of dread here replaces dream displacement; I regarded the dream work as having wellbutrin prevented this in the dream of the second class.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? actonel she went on, breathlessly.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that neurontin sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought of.. The situation resulting in this phantasy is, however, nothing but zocor a new edition of one that actually took place.. Polly is more rash than I am, fioricet as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir.. I thought you would be zoloft pleased to witness its first production in Washington.. Could a young schoolmaster think of feruling a girl with her hair in ringlets and a gold ring on her finger? Impossible--and the immunity extended to all the little sisters and cousins; levaquin and there were enough large girls to protect all the feminine part of the school.. Yet we never raise any objection to characterizing them paxil as dreams, nor do we confound them with the products of our waking life.. She is diazepam an evidence, said Edward, how superior our women of fashion are to those of Europe.. Up to this point the dream would be one of pure, sexual symbolism, and obscure for the unpracticed dream interpreter. oxycodone..

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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

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