Hello friends, I was hitchcocked by a link to my blog, in Meera's blog. I didn't suffer any shy to say that Meera is the first person to place a link to me, because when I first started to blog I didn't expect all these. I just wanna have a virtual space for me that is all. In order to design a website for me it will take more time(with respect to number of pages and content I have to write )So taking up my sluggishness in to account I decided to beam up my thoughts over a blog (since only one page and no much hitch as in web page) . A blog just for my friends .But now everything changed I can see lots more people coming to my blog .and all my best friends like Srini ,Pupps ,Eli ,Mag had made it a daily act to come here and say hi to me and other friends. My blog had become a place for there virtual get together .Other than my buddies I can see some new faces too like Tii , Bhuvana, Sonya and few more. Thank you my buddies with out your continuous support my blog would have been desolated.
Okay okay coming back to Meera.I feel saying just Meera itself is very anomalous I should say Prince's Meera .If u want to know why I say so, go to her blog and check yourself for elaborations. Let me abbreviate it to P'm (even G'm is correct but I love calling her P'm since I am much used to prince than Gagan) .The first time I stopped at P'm blog is because of the stunning photos she used. I am such a kind of photo freak who has a collection of about 2 GB of photo in my system based up on my wide-ranging interests. As I don't have a separate internet connection I will not save the photos when I was online and waste time .What I will do is I will go to all the pages in that particular website and get the photos saved in offline mode .This is the same thing happened with P'm blog too . I saved all her blog archived pages to my system . After saving all the photos in her web page (Meera I think u will never mind this moocher).
Just like that, I read the current page of her blog it was all Greek and Latin to me. But when I saw so many comments I was astonished I thought what the guys are commenting for when they cannot understand nothing? In internet it always happens whether it is chat room or blog or what ever it is , I had seen guys praising gals for silly things just to please them and befriend them ,or they will harass them with filthy words too the maximum extent .The point is only one thing that they should not be ignored they need some attention from gals . I thought this blog may be some thing of that kind .However the comments were matured . This oddity made me read her blog from beginning and I did so and slowly I was able to understand her blog and felt the visitors really meant what they say!! Now I myself is a habitual visitor in her site .Her site is one among the highly peopled blog as of my knowledge.
To be frank even now I am not able to understand her ideology fully (another 10% left). Few days back I read a Tamil novel named "Sila Nerangalail Sila Manidargal"[In English, the translation goes like this "some People At Some Phase Of Time"- I feel this translation is not the accurate one, any how just to give u the meaning] by my beloved writer Jayakanthan . There is a character in the novel by name Manju, in many places (I didn't say in all places) she remembered me of P'm in her. May be the circumstances which molded me and P'm may be different .I think that causes the lapse in me to understand her temperament fully .Any how, she is unusual that is for sure.
I was here just to post a thank you message to her, but see I am telling all the backend stories .P'm thank you very for your link . Ha ha I was about to tell this with in one paragraph but things got escalated .What is there after all ,this is my blog and I got all the freedom do it na !!and more over the main reason is I don't have any other work to do right now!!
I definitely love this site.
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